Saturday, February 8, 2025

Show notes - Episode 517: Pay Your Own Way

Morning, friends!

I have just returned from the doctor with a new diagnosis (sort of) and another medication to take. So let's hope this is the one to put this illness to rest so I can have some. Enjoy the song today and let's do this!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Show notes - Episode 516: Caring Through Your Phone

Morning, friends!

We are once again over the weather and short on time. New music from new friends, real talk, Flyers, other stuff! Let's go!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

A Royal Rumble thought I just had

Oh hey! 

I was typing this in my Discord server because I thought "I have no place else to put this" but then I remembered that I have a website. So here are some ramblings on rasslin - specifically, the WWE Royal Rumble and Cody's Rhodes.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Show notes - Episode 515: Calling in Favors

Morning, friends!

Ol Pat was over the weather and out of time this week, so the big boss stepped in and took care of business. Thank you to Ben Beck for doing the thing! Let's hear what he did!

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Show notes - Episode 514: Snowing Through the Trees

Morning, friends!

We did it! I was finally well enough to review the worst movie I'd ever seen. Is it still the worst? Let's find out!

Pat rambles on cats (2:26) and new plans for the Sixers (5:39) before a Flyers Update from The Captain (10:29). Then, he reviews the worst movie he’s ever seen: Snow Day (13:35).

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Disaster relief


I don't know that we've seen any new cats back there in the Christmas tree, but they have been showing up more often. Bring me your trees next year and let's see what happens!


I love that the businesses strung the mayor along only to pull out the rug. The team staying in South Philly is a win for the city, even if politicians don't think so.

Snow Day

We made it. I watched the movie that for so long was the answer to the "worst movie I've ever seen" question. Do I still feel that way? You'll have to listen to learn that!


And that, as we say, is that! We did it! A plan that started a month ago is finally complete. I will be doing more movie reviews next year so mark that on your calendar. Next week, we should be back to normal (though I think the kid got me sick again so we shall see). Until then, don't do anything I wouldn't do!

Crap open a cold one!

(This post was brought to you by Broad Street Bound.)