If you subscribe to the Patreon, you got a video version of this episode on Thursday. If you don't, then screw you I wish you a happy Saturday. Double deliveries, music from Like Giants, robot umpires, and more - let's go!
Click here to download the episode!
Pat plays new music from Like Giants (6:00), then rambles on double deliveries (11:43), Rich and Shameless (17:59), and robot umpires (30:12).
Like Giants
I can't believe I let this one go for so long - my bad, friends! Check out more from Like Giants here and cross your fingers they accept my apology for being late!
Double delivery
So I did not get refunded for the first order, but for a few days I thought we got some pizza and breadsticks for free so that was nice. I just want my technology things to work. Is that so much to ask?
Rich and Shameless: Girls Gone Wild Exposed
I knew some of this information, but even that was a lot to take in from this. Then we learned more about the dude who ran this company and it just kept getting more uncomfortable. Who could have called that? (Everyone. Everyone could have called that.)
Robot umpires

If you need a clear picture of how bad Angel Hernandez is at calling balls and strikes, I direct you to the picture right up there. I will never understand how he still gets assigned to be behind home plate, because he has been that bad for years. And that an umpire can toss out a player for next to nothing? Ridiculous. How can we fix this quickly? Robots, that's how. (I know I probably misspoke about what the electronic strike zone is, but the point stands.)
And that's what we have today. Thanks so much for joining me this week. I hope you are well and that you have all of the fun you'd like to have next week. Speaking of, I think we'll have guests on the next show so get excited for that and come on back for the fun. Until then, don't do anything I wouldn't do!
Crap open a cold one!
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