Hi, friends!
I hope your evening was not turrible, and that you are ready to kick today's ass. I wanted to drop in and let youse guyses know about a thing that's happening tomorrow night - a new adventure!

I had, as my mom would say, a scathingly brilliant idea the other day: If I stream my show live I won't have the buffer of multiple takes, which [in theory] will drastically cut down my editing time. So, against my better judgement, we're going to do just that!
I still have to confer with Josh on the time, but I suspect it will be around 8PM EST. If you've ever wanted to hear what the show sounds like before I work my magic (i.e. remove noise and add coins), this is the thing for you! Also I'll try to get the chat working so you can ask questions/make fun of me in real time.
This could be great, or it could be a complete disaster. Either way, I hope you join the fun! Wooooo!
Crap open a cold one!
Head to my channel (and check out the test stream I did yesterday) by clicking here!
UPDATE: Here are the two test streams I did, in case you need 40 more minutes of me in your life!
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